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Video Games

Maybe ‘procrastination’ is a reoccurring theme in your life.  Or perhaps you are uncomfortably familiar with the symptoms of extreme...

Where I fell on the birthday...

Traditions and reoccurring themes can be born out of curious and unideal ways. As an example of this, the year I met Caleb, I was going...

Letting go of crazy

Do you have certain words that just can put you in a deflated mindset...or just cripple you with insecurities?  I do.  ...two big...

Fo’ realz

Welcome to my first public posting.  Well...maybe not the ‘first’...but a first for this site!   I am no stranger to using online...

Los Desaparecidos

Antonio Frasconi. Los Desaparecidos. Within my individual therapy sessions, we have been circling back to the topic of Los...

'When the Soul Cries'

This book serves as a collection of brief stories regarding the influence of mental health trauma has within partnerships.  The first...

A real reason to celebrate

Caleb and I got married on the 7th of December.  After a long engagement and thorough planning of a crunchy home wedding event, our...

'As Long as It's Perfect'

Outside of the infidelity plotline, this first inclusion of fiction in my #53booksin52weeks goal was...nauseating.  Not because it was...

'The Family Stone'

Do you have traditions unbound by date?  A tradition established by situation?  We do...and I sorta love it.  *scratches the word ‘sorta’...

In the end, I went...

A few months ago, part of our family therapy plan goal was to attempt group-family a team-model to defend our family...

Holding the Space

Finding a good family-based therapist is hard.  In the past, I tried to fold Caleb into drop-in for easier conversations with my...

The Turnip

A reflection on a recent gift to me came in the form of a turnip.  Yes, a turnip. I have a real hard time accepting gifts.  Material...

'The Body Keeps the Score'

Read this book! Read this book!!! Read this book!!!!!!! This has heavy material and topics in it, but the language is so accessible, it...

The pill-on effect.

In some ways, I feel like I am a ghost...floating through a shell of a life.  I feel emotionally devoid of a lot because when I get...

Learning from Plants

From time of a wee little me, I have always appreciated taking vegetable seeds out to the garden, digging little holes, adding a little...

'Trauma and the Body'

Grace cottage This book made me question why I did not know how to access sensorimotor process skills...maybe more why nobody recommended...

Magenta Tears

I don’t know what to write about.  I am bored...last night was rough.  Heart/chest shit again, and I am regretting missing an appointment...

Your Journey is the Destination

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